I don't think anyone's ever actually said anything on this blog. Allow me to be the first: we did some organizing last night and finally posted some free downloads from the extended fam. Music from RewMec, DefDom, JS Krillz, Tone Liv, and Zagnuts are all available now.
Meanwhile, make some head room for Monsta Squad (to quote GDP). It's been getting some good web press and word of mouth, so keep it up America. This is you.
In bigger news, keep an eye out for new shit from Pistol, Shape, GDP, G.Wallace, Larry Hobson and Custodian of Records in the coming weeks. Including the Shadowboxcutters album, brought to you by Custodian, and featuring appearances from everybody in the damned camp: TMFSE, Hobson, Shape, Pistol, Zagnuts, GDP, Tame One, Young Zee, Zoobarelli, Rocky Reason and Krunky Brewster. It's THAT real.
Be sure to hit us on facebook for constant updates. New Jersey, suckazzzzz!